5 Common Facebook Page Fails
When properly set up and maintained, Facebook Pages are a really powerful tool for small to medium sized businesses (SMEs). But when they’re poorly managed or neglected, Facebook Pages can actually hurt your business instead of helping it. Let’s look at 5 common mistakes on Facebook Pages and what you should do instead.
1. Stop leaving these 2 fields blank!
When you update your cover image or profile picture, whether it’s for your personal Facebook account or your Facebook Page, your friends and followers will get a notification that you’ve made an update, and the photos will show up in their news feeds. These updates typically have a much higher reach and are seen by more eyeballs than regular Facebook posts. It drives us nuts, then, when we see updates with nothing typed into the description field. What a missed opportunity to share important information with your followers!
Avoid this common Facebook Page fail and stop leaving the description fields of your cover image and profile picture (company logo for most Pages) blank. Include information about your business and a call to action such as subscribing to your blog, or checking out your current promotions.
Need help with a more professional looking cover image and Facebook sized logo for your Facebook Page? We can do that for you!
2. If this is over a month old, you’re harming the image of your company
Facebook users are becoming more and more savvy and can tell immediately if your Facebook Page is out of date. And if your clients think that your Facebook Page is outdated, chances are they will have the same impression of your business. So, if you have a Pinned post that is more than 30 days old, take it down.
If you are using your Pinned post to share relevant information about your Page, here are some options keeping the information looking fresh and relevant:
- Copy and paste the post details into the description of your cover image and/or profile picture (See item 1 above!)
- Add the information to the About section of your Page
- Copy and paste the post into a new post, unpin the outdated post, and pin the newer version to the top of your Page
3. If you’re not adding these to your posts, you’re missing out
The recipe for a good Facebook post has a few essential ingredients, starting with interesting copy and compelling images. Other optional things to spice up your posts include @mentions, hashtags, and emojis. But the item that we see missing from Facebook Page posts too often is a link back to the business website. If you are not posting links to your blogs, promotions, and other updates on your website, then you are missing out on opportunities to convert followers into clients.
If you’re having trouble keeping up with new content for your website to share to your Facebook Page, reach out! Our team of writers can create custom content for your monthly blogs to load to your website and share to your Facebook Page.
4. You have to post at least this often
A neglected Facebook Page with no recent posts is often seen as a sign that your business is not doing well. If you don’t have time to post at least 1 Facebook post per week, you need to hire someone to do it for you, or take down your Facebook Page. Plain and simple.
We work with a number of SME business owners who want to focus on running their business and serving their clients instead of banging their heads on their computers every week trying to think of content for their Facebook Page. Let’s have a chat to see how we can help - hiring a marketing agency to manage your social media presence is much more economical than you think.
5. Don’t ruin your reputation by not responding to comments and questions
When a follower takes the time to post a comment, ask a question, or send a message through Messenger, don’t leave them hanging. Your responsiveness online is a direct reflection of the quality of service that people can expect from your business. Facebook users are accustomed to engaging with brands online and if you have a Facebook Page, it’s vital that you are prepared to live up to those expectations. A simple “thumbs up” to acknowledge that you’ve seen the post and a quick note will suffice, even if you just ask them to call you at a specified phone number.
If you don’t have the time or desire to engage with your followers online, you have the same choice to make that we discussed in no. 4 above: either take down your Facebook Page or hire someone to monitor your channels for you. SME business owners don’t have to be marketing and social media engagement experts, that’s what we’re here for!
You might be surprised to learn how many business Facebook Pages are managed by agencies - savvy business owners know where their time is best spent and outsource the rest. Give us a call today at 1-888-764-8338 and then let us take care of your Facebook Page so that you can get back to the business of running your business! Contact us.